
委員長:岡本 謙一

Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Workshop at Roppongi 2000

-- Invited Talks by Outstanding Research Experts --

標記会合をIEEE GRS Tokyo Chapter (Chairman 大内和夫) との合同開催によ り, Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Workshop at Roppongi 2000として開 催いたしますので多数ご出席下さいますようお願い申し上げます.

The following workshop is to be held for promotion of radar remote sensing research and applications. Among remote sensing techniques, the polarimetric & interferometric SAR attracts the most appreciable attentions because of its 3-D high resolution capability with abundant information. The aim of this workshop is to introduce the cutting-edge technologies, new ideas and methodologies. It covers from basic theory to practical applications. In this respect, all the speakers are invited who are outstanding research experts in the world and have been involved in this field many years. You will find how polarimetric and interferometric information is used and learn how PI SAR is powerful, useful and essential for environmental monitoring of the Earth.

Polarimetric Interferometric SAR Workshop at Roppongi 2000
-- Invited Talks by Outstanding Research Experts --

日時  平成12年8月18日(金) 9時〜18時 
場所 宇宙開発事業団地球観測データ解析研究センター第1, 2, 3会議室 
会場連絡先  Tel. 03-3224-7040(代表)


9:00-9:15 Registration

9:15-9:25 Opening
Introduction of the workshop and topic
Yoshio Yamaguchi, Niigata University, Japan

Recent Advances in Polarimetry and Polarimetric Interferometry
Wolfgang -M. Boerner, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA

Advanced Concepts in POL-SAR Image Analysis - and the need for fully polarimetric SAR data takes
Eric Pottier, University of Rennes-1, France


Polarimetric-Interferometric SAR Image Analysis - and the need for fully polarimetric SAR data takes, including the quest for well-calibrated SLC-formatted data takes
Shane R. Cloude, St. Andrews, UK

Comparison of Multi-Band, Partially to Fully Polarimetric-Interferometric SAR Image Data Takes and Analyses, and Synergetic POL-IN-SAR Image Evaluation
Yun J. Kim and J. J. van Zyl, NASA-JPL, USA


The Design of Air-borne & Space borne Fully Polarimetric-Interferometric SAR Imaging System
Harunobu Masuko, CRL, Japan

17:15-18:00 Pannel Forum Discussions


There is no registration fee. It is free of charge. Please email to register Mr.Yoshiyuki Ootake (otake@hq.esto.or.jp), Esto, no later than Aug.1, 2000.

For further information, contact:
Mr.Yoshiyuki Ootake
E-mail: otake@hq.esto.or.jp

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電波研連F分科会幹事:真鍋 武嗣( manabe@crl.go.jp)

updated on April. 24, 2000