Radio Propagation Extrapolation Based on Propagation Path
Division Using Surrounding Transmitter Information
松尾 祥吾, 宮本 直, 片桐 啓太, 藤井 威生(電通大)
Shougo Matsuo, Sunao Miyamoto, Keita Katagiri, Takeo Fujii
(The University of Electro-Communications)
The Effects of Ground Wind Velocity and Upper Air Rain Area
Motion on the Rain Attenuation Characteristics in Satellite
Communications Links
前川泰之, 柴垣佳明(大阪電気通信大学)
Yasuyuki Maekawa, Yoshiaki Shibagaki
(Osaka Electro-Communication University)
地デジ放送波を用いた地表付近の水蒸気量観測 -九州実証実験への準備状況-
Observation of water vapor content near the surface
of the earth using terrestrial digital broadcasting waves
- preparation status for the Kyushu observation campaign -
花土弘, 金丸佳矢, 川村誠治, 中川勝広(情報通信研究機構),
北井信則, 比留間利通, 佐々木歩, 渡辺琢也(日本アンテナ), 清水慎吾(防災科学技術研究所)